Monday, March 30, 2015

List of Python versions and their features

Python development
Python – Born of a legend in a legend style: Python was conceived in late 1980 and it gets born in December 1989. So you can imagine how much time it took to come out to the industry!! Van Rossum is the father of this legend. Well, in the initial phase of its life, it was full of ups and downs until it handed over to Google in 21st century. Then it get refined, refurbished and gained a tremendous power within itself making it around 2 to 3 times faster than before. After the branding from Google, it saw an awesome phase in its life. It became more popular and widely used among the web developers as well as desktop application developer. The best part is it has the potential to develop any type of application just like Java or C++. It is highly inspired from the Object oriented approach of C++ and a huge number of functions and libraries like Java. In short, we can say it is the combination of both C++ and Java. Hence we can expect tremendous potential of this language. Anyway, now we will discuss on different versions of Python and their unique features.

Python 0.9.0: In 1991 February, Van Rossum released the code on alt.sources. It was labelled as Version 0.9.0. In this version, there were many features borrowed mostly from C++ like inheritance, Class concept, Exception handling and functions etc. It also includes different data types like str, list, dict etc. The most important feature of this version is Module System that was highly inspired from Modula3. Van Rossum described the module concept as "one of Python's major programming units". It has exception handling power with if else statement that is borrowed from Modula – 3.

Python 1.0: In January 1994 Van Rossum released Python version 1.0 with some new features for better functional programming like Lambda, Filter, Reduce and Map. Van Rossum describe this version as “Python acquired lambda, reduce (), filter () and map (), courtesy of a lisp hacker who missed them and submitted working patches. Later on in 1995 the python version 1.2 released followed by version 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 by 2000 September. In this period there are few important features added in the language like keyword arguments and support for complex numbers which were modular 3 inspired. Moreover name mangilling and data heading also get included within this phase.

Python 2.0: On October 16 2000, the version Python 2.0 released. With this version Python introduced List Comprehensions concept that is borrowed from SETL and Haskell. It also introduced garbage collection system in the language. Then Python Version 2.1 released on April 2001 with a new name to its licence i.e. Python Software Foundation License. It introduced nested scopes in the language. It followed several minor to major changes through different versions like v 2.2, v2.3, v2.4, v2.5 and v2.6.

Python 3.0: On December 3rd 2008, the latest Python version 3.0 released. This version was released with a huge modification in the language starting from its core design concept. It removed all unnecessary and duplicates. The guideline behind was “Reduce Feature duplication by removing old ways of doing things”. It brought an overnight popularity to this language along with performance improvement of around 2 to 3 times.
You can get in touch with a custom Python web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide Python application development services. If you would like to hire certified Python developer for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Python - The language that needs to be considered

Python Development
Evolution of a legend in magical way: Few technologies are born to rule the industry; but, they are shadowed due to lack of marketing in the early stage of their life and so the case for Python. When python was introduced in the industry, people were unaware of the technology. At that time, the industry was dominated by C, C++ and Java. So, Python didn’t get much response from the industry, though it has enough potential to rule the industry. But, latter on when it reinvented and refined, it received a tremendous popularity in the industry. It is one of few language that has the potential to develop any type of application may it be desktop application or web application or even machine programming. All can be done through this.

Google refurbished Python: In 21st century, Google discovered Python from the warehouse and refined it to make it fit for the industry with all necessary improvements. It made Python more popular and powerful for the industry. After that, it has never seen backward. Python turned out as a gem for the industry. It is consider as one of the top language in the industry. It became more popular for large scale applications where you need power and potential to do the things properly and with more speed.

Python is damn powerful: It is said that Python has all that it need during the development process. A python developer will never search for any external support when developing an enterprise standard web application or software. It has a huge size of library that contains almost all the required modules and classes to develop industry standard software application. Moreover, even though it is huge in size but it is superfast. This is a magical combination of both power and efficiency we find in Python.

You can trust upon python for all your needs: Python is highly inspired from the object oriented programming languages like C, C++ or Java. Hence you can expect the best in class security features within your python application. Python developers can develop any type of applications for the industry; may it be web application or desktop application or even machine level programming you can perform all tasks with ease. Moreover, it converts your code to machine level binary codes hence it is extremely secure and you can trust over it.

It is up-to-date: Python has a special place in the industry for the purpose of web development process. It is superfast and up-to-date. It has all the features that a Python web developer will need during development process. Python developers can take the benefits of HTML5, CSS3 for modern web development process; because, it can be integrated with the application. Web developers can develop responsive web applications for a wide range of devices and platforms. You can also develop web apps and native apps using Python for your smart phone operating system like Android or Apple etc. Well, it also enables web developer to integrate clod technology to their application making it futuristic and efficient. So, we can say all we can think of can be done through Python and that too with tremendous power and efficiency.

You can get in touch with a custom Python web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide Python development services. If you would like to hire Python developer for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Increasing efficiency by using PyDev for developing with Python

Python development
Python for Industry needs: Python is one of the old languages of the industry which was born during 80s. It was heavily inspired form C and C++ and hence we can expect similar performance along with some advanced features in Python. For quite some time, Python was hidden from the industry but, in 21st century it was again reinvented by Google. A project called “Unladden sallow” created a huge buzz in the industry because Google was trying to improve the speed and performance of Python to a large extent. Later on the language gained a tremendous popularity by the web developers and software developers in the industry because Python can be used for developing enterprise standard web applications along with desktop applications and mobile applications. So it is really an awesome all rounder for mobile developers, web developers and software developers.

Why PyDev IDE is must: Well, PyDev is a Python development environment which can help the Python developers in developing industry standard Python applications. Well PyDev can be integrated to eclipse just like a plugin to prepare a platform for the Python developers. We all know the importance of an IDE while developing a web application or software application. IDE makes the job of a software application developer not only easier but also efficient and accurate. We can expect similar advantages from PyDev IDE for the Python developers.

Code completion with auto import: Code completion is one of the major features of any software IDE. A Python developer can take the advantage of this feature in PyDev environment using “Ctrl+ space” command. Well we can configure the code completion feature with some add-ons like request completion on “.”, “_”,”)” etc it can help the Python developer to write the code in a much faster way than before. The web developer can use this feature to write class names, function name, variables name etc to avoid spelling mistakes. The best part is he can also import external files using auto complete feature like importing and XML file or dom file etc.

Type hinting: Like any other IDE, PyDev also provides type hinting feature with docstrings or comments. It will help the Python developer in different manners like return type with sphinx, parameter type with sphinx, local variable with sphinx etc. It helps in preventing silly bugs in the application development process.

Debugger with remote facility: Just like visual studio, PyDev also provides debugging facility. It will help the Python developers debugging his code in an effortless manner. The Python developer or web developer can use the break point concept in the PyDev environment to test or debug a small segment of the program. It helps in debugging a huge application in a quick way by removing unnecessary running of all the codes and just running the suspect segment of the code base. It helps in decreasing the effort of the software developer and hence increasing the productivity. Moreover, in PyDev the Python developer can debug a remote program which is outside of the eclipse environment. We can start this remote debugger server using command like pydevd.settrace().

Along with above features it also provides the Python developers some advanced features like code coverage, unit test integration, tokens browser and code analysis etc. So we can say this will definitely improve the performance, efficiency and productivity of the Python programs to a large extent. You can get in touch with a Python web development company for your

You can get in touch with a custom Python web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide Python development services. If you would like to hire Python developer for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.